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Sprite Monkey Junior

Geliştirici Araçları Grafik ve Tasarım
Geliştirici: PoseMotion

Sprite Monkey Junior is the “little brother” of Sprite Monkey. It’s actually v1.x of Sprite Monkey with the addition of the same script editor found in Sprite Monkey v2. Other minor features/enhancements were also added. Sprite Monkey Junior allows you to create basic sprite sheets and strips, aka “texture atlas”. This means that all of the imported png images share the same width and height. If you would like to create sprite sheets with various sized images, plus additional features, check out Sprite Monkey v2.

Features. . .

• Import a folder of png images. Images must share the same width and height. Sequenced images load best. If your last image has double digits (MyImage25.png) then the first image should have double digits (MyImage01.png), else the images will not load in order or load alphabetically.
• Exports to 32, 24, 8, 4 and 1-bit png images. You can even export an alpha channel mask which can be used for special effects, if your game engine supports it.
• Export features such as Dither, Retina, Power of 2, Background Color and Sprite Sheet Number.
• Option to preview the sprite sheet/strip after creation.
• Automatically sets previously used settings.
• The "no plugin" script editor allows you to easily create and export sprite coordinate scripts for any game engine or programming language such as Xcode, HTML5, Cocos2d, PureBasic, etc.
• Theres also a help file and example sprite coordinate scripts to get you started.
• Supports retina displays.
• Universal 32 & 64-bit App

Best of all, its free!

If you have an issue, please use the PoseMotion support forum, thanks!